We all have aspirations to be better, fitter and healthier. But, without knowing it one movement, or the lack thereof can literally stop you in your tracks. Whether it’s while you are running, cycling or practicing certain exercises in the gym, if you have tight calves (or a lack of ankle dorsiflexion), your efficiency, strength, power and/or endurance output will be less than optimal.
Let me explain. Dorsiflexion is when you ‘flex’ the ankle, or when the top of the foot and shin, move closer together. If your ankle lacks this range of motion, you will not be able to extend the hip sufficiently (moving the knee backwards/behind the hip). This means that the hip extensors i.e. your glutes (butt-muscles) will not activate properly. This results in shorter strides when running, a lack of hip extension during gym related exercises or a lack of glut activity during cycling.
There are many ways to improve the range of motion of your ankles. Try rolling your foot over a hard ball at home, foam rolling your calves or otherwise, we recommend that you consult with your local fitness trainer, physio and/or sports massage therapist before jumping in the deep end.
We are here to help so don’t hesitate to reach out.
On the lighter side of things, go get what you are after… break a leg ;)
Yours in health and fitness,
Hannes Schoeman